The madcap petting zoo

Aki the little eagle hurtles like a rocket through the treetops. Skilfully he avoids the branches, shoots bolt upright into the air and loops back down again. The sun’s rays tickle his nose like a hundred butterflies. And even though he cannot fly for so long yet, he does a flytastic job!


Just a couple of wing beats further on the forest opens out into a clearing and beneath him Aki spots a wooden dwelling. It’s hard to believe that this is the resort; it smells just like freshly-mown grass. Nevertheless, Aki decides to give it a closer look.


Gently he lands on a fence, next to which are two alpacas. “Hello you two! I’m Aki. Who are you?” he asks them good-naturedly.  


But the two alpacas seem not even to notice the eagle. The darker of the two fluffs itself up fearsomely. “I am much stronger than you!” it taunts the other alpaca.


“That’s just not true! I can carry a lot more than you!” the other retorts.


“We’ll see. When the children come, they can decide who is stronger.”


And without even turning around, they trot over to a pile of tree trunks. Both place a beam on their backs and balance with it.


The little eagle is rather taken aback. This isn’t the kind of thing you see every day. While he thinks about whether he should fly on, suddenly three guinea pigs rush past him. Perhaps they know where the resort is?


But as quickly as they appeared they disappear again. Maybe there is still somebody who isn’t in such a rush in this strange place.


Aki looks about him and sees two sheep standing in the barn. Quickly he flies up to them and says, “Hello sheep! Please could you tell me what this place is?”


Startled, the sheep turn in his direction. Only now does the eagle notice that they both have two slices of cucumber on their eyes.

“Must you frighten us like that?! Milli, what do you think of such rude behaviour?”

The second sheep removes the slices of cucumber from its eyes and agrees with the first sheep. “Simply no way to behave, Molli! One shouldn’t frighten two ladies like that during their beauty treatment!”

And now Aki notices that the sheep are wearing curlers in their wool.

A little crestfallen, he tries to apologise. “I didn’t mean to frighten you at all. I would only like to know what this place is.”

The sheep do not really seem to be angry with Aki. “We are the animals from the resort and we are getting ready for the children to visit us,” they tell him.

Aki’s eyes light up. “You are from the resort? Is this the resort that the children were talking about?” he asks.

The sheep laugh and shake so much as they do so that a couple of curlers fall out of their fleeces.

“No! This isn’t the resort. That’s further up. But the children always come here to visit. That’s why we are all getting ourselves ready.”

The eagle is surprised. “What do you mean by that?”

One of the sheep points outside. “The guinea pigs always have a race for the children, the alpacas want to show off their strength and the rabbits do long jump. And we are the fluffiest. That is why we are grooming ourselves so that our wool is as soft and fluffy as possible.”

Aki understands that they are doing everything for the children.

“Can I show the children something too?” he asks.

The sheep look sceptical. “All of the animals will have to decide that together. But what do you want to show the children?”

Aki flies outside. The animals gather together to see what the eagle can do. With a loud whoop, Aki starts his air show. The animals are amazed. This is something that they would never have expected. Higher and higher he climbs into the sky, his twists and turns becoming ever more impressive.

Aki completely loses himself in his flight. Too late he realises that he has already left the barn far behind him. He was so distracted that he simply didn’t notice just how far he had flown and that suddenly there is a large mountainside below him. Should he turn back? No, what he really wants to do is find the resort. He can visit the animals again another time. Aki decides to take a closer look at the mountain. After all, there could be a new adventure waiting for him here, or even the resort itself!