Artists all together

Fourth story

The little eagle is rather tired after his exciting hike on the Plose. His little eyes are almost closed.

What he would really like would be to have a quick snooze. But suddenly he sees a sign in front of him - Family Resort Plose. His tiredness vanishes.

At last he’s made it! Now he’ll find out if it really is as unbelievable here as the children said.

Aki thanks the family that brought him with them. But he wants to explore the resort alone; after all, he is an adventurer. 

The little eagle looks around. The wooden buildings are part of the landscape, like a rabbit warren. Almost as if the meadow had windows.


Lots of new aromas reach Aki’s nose. He smells something sweet - maybe biscuits? And then there is a smell like eucalyptus drifting from one of the buildings. There is a sign on it saying “Sauna”. What could that be? 


And there aren’t just smells in the air. There’s lots of noise too. Aki listens carefully. Somewhere, children are laughing. A happy song rings out. And then there are some other, completely different noises too. Boom, boom, boom, it goes. And crack, crack, crack and ooh, ooh, ooh. What could it possibly be?


The eagle decides to follow the sounds. The closer he gets, the louder they become. The boom booms and crack cracks mix with chatter and laughter. 

After a couple more flaps of his wings, Aki is outside the door. “Painting studio and woodworking shop”, it says. That sounds exciting! Quickly, the eagle slips inside. Right in front of his eyes, children of all sizes are busying themselves painting. Even a few parents are joining in.

And now he sees where the boom, crack and ooh sounds are coming from. There are children busy woodworking with tools.

Could Aki do it too?

“Hey, you! Yes, you!” calls a blonde-haired girl. “Come here and join in!”

Aki doesn’t need telling twice! Quickly he flutters to the table with the girl.  

Aki looks on in amazement. It looks like the forest floor on the crafting table. Branches, pine cones, moss, chestnuts and leaves lie there in a heap. Is he supposed to tidy up? 

Aki is about to sidle away, when a small boy stops him. “Here, you can have the pine cone,” he says. “You're lucky that there are still a few left.”

The little eagle looks at the boy in bewilderment. “What should I do with it?” I don’t really like the taste of pine cones. I’d rather have bacon dumplings.”

The little boy snorts with laughter. He laughs so much, that he falls off his chair.
When he has calmed down a bit, he tries to explain to the still perplexed eagle. “These are all our craft materials. At first glance it might look like rubbish from the forest, but with a little imagination you can make some amazing things.”

Aki can hardly believe it. How can he make something nice from these things?

The boy points to a shelf, and says, “Look! See what lovely things we have all made.” 


Aki’s beak drops open. The finds have been turned into lots of magical items, such as pine cone people, mobiles from branches and leaves, chestnut animals, little wooden houses with moss roofs and much more.

Now Aki is super excited! He knows exactly what he wants to make with his pine cone. With a little help from the children, who are all complete professionals already, Aki soon has his finished work of art in his wings.

Full of pride, he puts his pine cone eagle next to the other artworks on the shelf. And then he gets to work on his next wooden craft. He knocks lots of nails into a board with the hammer, to create a nice pattern.

However, the hammering is hard work and the eagle gets quite hot. He thinks to himself that it would be nice to cool down somewhere now. Didn’t the children in the forest say something about a swimming pool?

“It’s one experience after another,” thinks Aki, and calmly finishes hammering his woodwork piece. But the idea of the swimming pool won’t let him go. And so he sets out to go and cool down. This place really is something special!